Deutsche Bundesbank

Backstage Bundesbank
"Backstage Bundesbank" – it is THE major public event on the topics of monetary policy, financial stability, banking supervision, payment transactions and cash with a varied program, exciting interaction, and information for the whole family.
2022 | 2024
The doors of the central bank were open to several thousand visitors of all ages on September 17 and 18, 2022, and again on September 14 and 15, 2024 Due to renovation work at the headquarters in Bockenheim, the location was changed to Taunusanlage 5.
In 2017, we conceptualised and coordinated the City of Frankfurt's Open Day as a Mannheim agency: Fascinated by the financial metropolis, we now managed "Backstage Bundesbank", our second major public event in Frankfurt.
Whether it was a concept relaunch or detailed planning of the stage program: with a high level of competence and experience - with major public events and with Frankfurt's urban society alike - we conceived, organised and implemented the major event for and with the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Mission & Aspiration
Backstage Bundesbank: The task was to make the Bundesbank's tasks transparent, to provide comprehensive and comprehensible information about the Bundesbank, to open the doors wide for the public to get to know the people at the Bundesbank and to exchange ideas with them. The task was to conceptualise, plan and implement a two-day major event for the interested public with an exciting event dramaturgy and unusual insights into the Bundesbank. Our standards are high: we develop innovative concepts that do justice to the individual task and the respective communication requirements.
Backstage Bundesbank: The task was to make the Bundesbank's tasks transparent, to provide comprehensive and comprehensible information about the Bundesbank, to open the doors wide for the public to get to know the people at the Bundesbank and to exchange ideas with them. The task was to conceptualise, plan and implement a two-day major event for the interested public with an exciting event dramaturgy and unusual insights into the Bundesbank. Our standards are high: we develop innovative concepts that do justice to the individual task and the respective communication requirements.
Implementation & Idea 2022
An individual free flow on the most demanding site. A site divided into two parts and two entrances to the main area: with a good visitor guidance system and visitor tracking, both central manageability and event security had to be guaranteed.
The spatially limited area presented us and the Bundesbank team with several challenges - stage positioning, set-ups and barriers were precisely implemented. In addition to security, the demanding area had to be designed in an event-specific and barrier-free way.
We designed the concept to be modern, clear and with an exciting event dramaturgy. With the focus on providing impulses, exchanging information and sustainable structures, we wanted to promote identification and interaction; and this in the core around the five central areas of responsibility of the Deutsche Bundesbank: financial stability and monetary policy, banking supervision, unenforceable payment transactions and cash. The challenging topics were made accessible and exciting in the information tents through interactive modules and personal dialogue with the Bundesbank's experts.
From an interview with the President of the Bundesbank to a beatbox show with Robeat, from performances by the Eastsideband to world hits in Hessian on stage, from a code-breaking rally to quiz presentations: With creativity and competence, we designed a diverse, surprising program with highlights for all age groups.
Thanks to a precise interlocking plan, all marketing and communication measures could be optimally coordinated. The focus was on infotainment - the objective was to make the factual topics relating to the world of finance tangible, appealing and comprehensible to all generations.
The detailed development of an intelligently coordinated logistics, security and hygiene concept with innovative visitor tracking guaranteed a safe environment for inquisitive visitors. On site in Frankfurt, our project team consisting of Alexandra Altmann, Christina Bleck and Simon Schoofs, together with the Bundesbank project team and numerous partners - including our long-standing partner around GmbH - did an excellent job and created an event with both a high experience and information content.
At the same time, our Design & Media unit in Mannheim worked on the design of the attention-grabbing media, such as roll-ups, Pixlip walls, posters, flyers, and signs. Our design development, media creation and advertising measures are subject to strict quality control. Our graphics team supervised the execution, the project team the distribution and the project management the venue-compliant use of the advertising measures in public spaces.
Tracing the path of an electronic payment with a remote-controlled car, reaching the optimal inflation target with a hammer blow in "Hau den Lukas", watching an exciting film in a VR room that does not even stop at the office door of Bundesbank President Dr. Joachim Nagel; lifting a gold bar for once in the ambience of a gold room, experiencing the Bundesbank's new building project in an exhibition and inviting people to take a walk in tomorrow already today...
An individual free flow on the most demanding site. A site divided into two parts and two entrances to the main area: with a good visitor guidance system and visitor tracking, both central manageability and event security had to be guaranteed.
The spatially limited area presented us and the Bundesbank team with several challenges - stage positioning, set-ups and barriers were precisely implemented. In addition to security, the demanding area had to be designed in an event-specific and barrier-free way.
We designed the concept to be modern, clear and with an exciting event dramaturgy. With the focus on providing impulses, exchanging information and sustainable structures, we wanted to promote identification and interaction; and this in the core around the five central areas of responsibility of the Deutsche Bundesbank: financial stability and monetary policy, banking supervision, unenforceable payment transactions and cash. The challenging topics were made accessible and exciting in the information tents through interactive modules and personal dialogue with the Bundesbank's experts.
From an interview with the President of the Bundesbank to a beatbox show with Robeat, from performances by the Eastsideband to world hits in Hessian on stage, from a code-breaking rally to quiz presentations: With creativity and competence, we designed a diverse, surprising program with highlights for all age groups.
Thanks to a precise interlocking plan, all marketing and communication measures could be optimally coordinated. The focus was on infotainment - the objective was to make the factual topics relating to the world of finance tangible, appealing and comprehensible to all generations.
The detailed development of an intelligently coordinated logistics, security and hygiene concept with innovative visitor tracking guaranteed a safe environment for inquisitive visitors. On site in Frankfurt, our project team consisting of Alexandra Altmann, Christina Bleck and Simon Schoofs, together with the Bundesbank project team and numerous partners - including our long-standing partner around GmbH - did an excellent job and created an event with both a high experience and information content.
At the same time, our Design & Media unit in Mannheim worked on the design of the attention-grabbing media, such as roll-ups, Pixlip walls, posters, flyers, and signs. Our design development, media creation and advertising measures are subject to strict quality control. Our graphics team supervised the execution, the project team the distribution and the project management the venue-compliant use of the advertising measures in public spaces.