Progress report of the UN Global Compact uploaded

JulY 2022
As a participant in the UN Global Compact, we are today able to upload our third progress report (COP) to the website of the world’s largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate management today. All this as early adopters.
With the aim to further strengthen corporate transparency and accountability, to better measure progress and to promote ambitious goals, the UN Global Compact is adapting its so-called COP reporting. Compulsory for all participants from 2023 onwards. We already signed up for the early adopter program last year: therefore, we have tested the enhanced digital platform before the implementation for all participating companies in 2023 and are already reporting for the period May 2021-May 2022 via the new digital platform of the UN Global Compact in the form of the questionnaire, which contains around 60 questions addressing governance, human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti-corruption.
‘It is out of our deep conviction, that we are committed to the world’s largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate management for the benefit of all people, communities, and markets. We always keep the 17 sustainable development goals in mind in our day-to-day work and design process with our partners, customers and, of course, our agency’s team’, says CEO Elena Ressmann. ‘Since 2018, we have been working together with more than 14,000 companies and organizations around the world based on the ten universal principles and the sustainable development goals of the UN Global Compact: For an inclusive and sustainable global economy for the good of all people. Now and in the future.’ Companies joining the UN Global Compact (UNGC) commit to reporting annually on their progress in implementing the ten Global Compact Principles and, if necessary, to support the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Communication on progress (CoP) is aimed not only at Global Compact, but primarily at the company’s stakeholders, such as investors, business partners, customers and suppliers, critical civil society organization and government agencies.
  UN Global Compact Fortschrittsbericht

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